

1 in 4 adults experience a mental health event in a year, with 1 in 20 experiencing a serious mental illness. Yet the laws and practices that apply to them are largely drafted and designed by people who have no direct experience with them.



The only way to effect real and lasting change improve the lives of people with mental health conditions and their families, is to include them, their experiences, and expertise.

We Partner

The only way to effect real and lasting change to improve the lives of people with mental health conditions and their families, is to include them, their experiences, and expertise.

We Testify

Providing a human face to the experiences, these practices and laws can and do continue to effect to deliver powerful, meaningful, and impactful testimony for changes of legislation, practice, and improvements to program funding.

Key Priorities

Peer Support

Peer professional involvement in mental health and substance use programs has been proven to be as or more effective than other providers in most aspects of treatment. 

Expanding these programs is vital to improving and expanding care for those in need.


Law enforcement is too often the first and only solution to this growing healthcare crisis.

Separating mental health and criminal justice can improve outcomes and reduce costs to the community.

Equitable Care

While mental health conditions don’t discriminate, they do intersect with all parts of life. Without fair and equitable treatment and practices that take our rich diversity into account, the system will fail those who need it most.